Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 6 and Happy Mother's Day

Today is day 6 of Ella's pfapa episode. Usually by this day she is almost fever free and feeling better. Not today. As I put her to bed last night she was struggling and had yet another round of pain meds. I feel like her poor body is just full of that stuff. But I can't watch her suffer so she gets it, especially when her fever is 103 and above. I checked on her at about 9:00 last night and she was sleeping so peacefully and I could tell the motrin had kicked in. Her fever was at 99 (had previously been 104). I loved seeing her peaceful face sleeping that I just laid with her and watched her sleep.

She woke up this morning with 103 temp but seemed a little more like herself. We did give her tyl to try and control the temp from rising and to get her to eat something. She ate a whole banana and cheerios (literally the most she's had in 6 days). Not sure where today leads us but still taking it one step at a time and praying that this day is the end of this episode. She is approaching her last week of school and I am keeping her home tomorrow because she is very weak from lack of food. Hopefully by Tuesday she can enjoy her week.

Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there especially pfapa moms. Motherhood is tough enough but add in this dreadful syndrome and we have a really tough job but lots of snuggle time with our sick ones. I have gotten more hugs and snuggles this week from my Ella. She has slept in the bed with me pretty much all week and her head has been on my chest the whole time. Moments like that I cherish. Today I am thinking extra hard of my sweet momma that left this world far too soon. I miss her every day and could use some advice and hugs from her but I know she lives on through me and my sister and my sweet Ella (Ella inherited her pretty hair).

My sweet Mom - Judy - Ella calls her Grandma Judy! :) 

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