Friday, February 22, 2013


I'm very glad it's Friday!  Ella seemed a little sluggish this morning and was still complaining of her tummy hurting and now her neck. I still sent her to school because she was not running a fever and she loves Fridays.  It is show n tell day and she had to bring something in that starts with the letter 'J'. She chose a picture of her cousin Jack!  My sweet girl.
I hope tomorrow isn't a more painful day for her.  But we will take one day at a time and have faith that this will one day end for her.

I read something by Joel Osteen yesterday that really made me feel better.  He wrote -

You don’t have to have great faith. Jesus said, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to a mountain, ‘Be removed.’”

I do feel like my faith is growing with this experience with Ella. And it is comforting to know that even if my faith isn't as large as a mountain but rather small like a mustard seed, if it's there is what's important. And Jesus will still take away the really big stresses as well as the small ones.  I am very grateful for this kind of love!